Why Read and Write ?


---salman rushdie

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Even if I could...I could never (1 January 2010)

"Wind and Window Flower" (original poem by Robert Frost in 1915)

    LOVERS, forget your love,
    And list to the love of these,
    She a window flower,
    And he a winter breeze.

    When the frosty window veil
    Was melted down at noon,
    And the cagèd yellow bird
    Hung over her in tune,
    He marked her through the pane,
    He could not help but mark,
    And only passed her by,
    To come again at dark.

    He was a winter wind,
    Concerned with ice and snow,
    Dead weeds and unmated birds,
    And little of love could know.

    But he sighed upon the sill,
    He gave the sash a shake,
    As witness all within
    Who lay that night awake.

    Perchance he half prevailed
    To win her for the flight
    From the firelit looking-glass
    And warm stove-window light.

    But the flower leaned aside
    And thought of naught to say,
    And morning found the breeze
    A hundred miles away.


My reflection on Frost`s Poem:

Even if  I could...I could never

Wind says:
Even if I could touch vastness of your delicacy, 
Even if I could imagine depth of your introvert longing,
Even if I could trace grandness of your lust for singularity,

I could never match the passionate serendipity of innocence you have!

Flower says:
Even if I could satisfy your divine cravings,
Even if I could create platonic temple for you,
Even if I could paint your materialistic ambitions on the pane,

I could never be a persona which will be your perfect icon-companion!

Wind says:
Even if I could read all literature for your charming interest,
Even if I could write greatest novel in respect to you,
Even if I could perform landmark drama in your sagacious memory,

I could never craft a poem which expresses your true beauty!

Flower says:
Even if I could give you all universal pleasures of interaction,
Even if I could invent all honeycombs you will cherish,
Even if I could show you all past-present wonders of the natural world,

I could never claim that as your privileged window to pollinate my solitude!

Finally Wind says:
Even if I could enter your heart with delicate warmth,
Even if I could transform your agony-full land into garden of spring,
Even if I could be your soul-mate of all your life,
I could never be sure, whether I truly know how you feel about me!

Finally Flower says:
 I am the pole, you are the satellite,
 Even you are ready to flight, I will have no delight;
 Wherever you go, try to search for me another sunflower,
 Which will be equally sad, alone and craving for silent sun-shower! 


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