Why Read and Write ?


---salman rushdie

Monday, June 28, 2010

Power of a Lonely Soul! (8 December 2007)

    “All the birds have flown up and gone,
     A lonely cloud floats leisurely by.
    We never tire of looking at each other,
    Only the mountain and I.”

In merely one stanza, Li Po described the void of endless loneliness.  Which loneliness we are suffering from?  Is it by choice or by compulsion? Even Tolstoy has underlined the significance of loneliness. “It is when man is alone, away from the influence of other men and their acts that he can work on himself. It is in solitude that he must correct his thoughts, driving out the bad and stimulating the good.”

How strange it is that we love loneliness and hate passionate companionship? The reasons are not so complex as are perceived. We are never alone, mind well. Our thoughts are always leading us to random directions.
Let us see what William Hyde has to say about this: “Live in the first person, criticizing yourself, rather than finding fault with others. Live in the singular number caring more for the approval of your own conscience that for the applause of crowd.”

Many critics and historians believe that the spontaneous tradition of individualism aroused out of    the aesthetic interpretation of beauty through expressions like poems, paintings, sculptures etc. All these great artists were doing that for their own pleasure and not for crowd as enumerated above.

So basic premise to start and establish a probable hypothesis must support the loneliness. Let us    start a brief voyage to understand what the ‘isolated harmony’, ‘musical solitude’...many facets of unique, single, loneliness!!!

“How wonderful to wander in the woods or to have blessings of solitude amidst magnificent mountains and gorgeous valleys! How beautiful even a small hut by the side of a valley, amidst of rustic charm all around!” Nature is best teacher what we can imagine of.  Many species of birds and animals prefer to live alone than in herds. Humans are most socialized species, some say. Some counter this argument.

All great initiatives in history of mankind have been the guiding witness to the defense of solitude. Creativity demands isolation. Generation and delivery of valuable art and performance requires concentration to take birth. Mad focus and alert observation are matter of   the consistent engagement and hard work which is to be done when we are alone. It is always said that it is better to be alone than in bad company.

Loneliness preserves purity. Conservation, preservation, maintenance of tradition continue if institutions build the stand alone human resources independent in infrastructure and isolated from influence of external thought process which can affect the commitment of the members.

Why there is need to judge or investigate loneliness? There may be two reasons. Either current mental state is unable to attain the calm of loneliness due to practical or any other reasons or there is a real need and resolve to understand loneliness as a value and as a precursor to the emerging chain reaction of developments in life in recent future. Both statements can be either true or false. 

No one to share my feelings, my soul always wept, 
The sorrows passed away, but the pain is still kept, 
The whole wide world, alone I roam
and live in a lonely room, in a lonely home ,
Will there ever be someone, someone by my side?
But now it is too late because long back I died.”
                                              -- -Nutty Always
Introvert innocence is always attributed to the purity of the mind. It is very challenging to preserve these attitudes in real-time world. But loneliness provided the breathing passage for that construction of foundation necessary to erect a monument of logical thought process.

What is philosophy? It is silent investigation of the abstract nature of environment around our culture. Russel says that it is a place where rigidity of theology and objectivity of science cannot claim the privilege to comment upon. This means that this is the area where science and religion fails. To acquire the art to interpret this essence of culture, silence is must. How silence will come if we hate isolation? Rene Descartes says, “I think, therefore I am!” Therefore, thinking a powerful process of synthesis derives all of it`s energy from the lonely search of self.

We are discussing here about loneliness not out of compulsion but out of choice. As a individual what a term of loneliness may signify? It may signal complete isolation from current, social structure so as to go away from civilized habitat. We are not discussing loneliness.

Let me ask you a question, do are you afraid of loneliness just like death? To understand this we go back in history to listen to Khalil Gibran:
                        “Death, my death, my solitude and my aloofness,
                         You are dearer to me than thousand lives
                         and sweeter to my heart than all world glory.
                         Death, my death, my bold companion,
                         You shall hear my songs and my cries and my silences.
                         And none but you shall speak to me of the
                        beating of wings and urging of seas
                        and of mountains that burn in the night
                        and you alone shall climb my steep and rocky soul.”

We can’t say who can found rest where...What is the basic question? Does loneliness provides security? Or is it the result of lack of those? If we can answer these questions satisfactorily then our exploration on this issue will bear some fruits.

 A big full stop to communicate is not loneliness. Rather it involves peace of mind because in isolation there should not be any lust for attachment. But why we are more sad, envy, jealous, worried when we are alone? Therefore we have to change the definition of being alone. Isolation with detachment from society still searching for the answers which whole world is asking. Isolation may not necessarily lead towards luxurious life but also it might not lead towards certain contemplative life having no struggle. Normally we cherish our desire in isolated daydreaming when desire is unqualified for the realization in our life due to some extraordinary difficulty.
When the distance between desire and possibility of realization widens, we run away from other pleasures of life so as to nurture our grief in isolation. Because we have created an image of unrealized dream in our mind. We are not ready to accept the facts. So, we offer for signatures on surrender papers.

Ego raises the morale of the argument. Ego also diminishes the individual assessment in a distinctly biased fashion. Isolation is masterpiece example of determined efforts to reflect individualism with an inbuilt ego. Ego is neither good nor bad. Ego is the design of personality. Refusing to sign the accord of independence is the open invitation to check the validity of loneliness because very few are capable to be vindicated on this stand.

 To remain isolated is not the goal and sole objective. We cannot cheat ourselves by querying the hallmarks of loneliness. We can use that solitude for the larger goal of life as an instrument, as a catalyst rather than an obstacle. Therefore we can justify loneliness only if we have larger objective for which we are striving every day, second by second. Let we join to solve this deadlock in understanding of this ever pervading experience.

Beauty of Loneliness: “A man thinking or working is always alone, let him be where he will. Solitude is not to be measured by miles of space widening man and his fellows but by degree of commitment to the silence which decides the result of work.” 

Loneliness is not isolated chamber. It is a tightrope walk in a dark leading to the gateway of enormous challenges having potential of joy.  

Moon is lonely, sun is so; why life on earth always glow?” It is very important to know about this aspect of life. We cannot imagine companionship without loneliness. It is only loneliness which gives true meaning of companionship. Someone has said, “I was in the crowd still, I was alone.” I cannot stop myself without mentioning movie ‘Caste Away’.
Everyone has every right to be alone. None should question that right. Value of freedom is spirit as propounded by many revolutions throughout history. Every value comes along with some responsibility. Is loneliness a value or is it illusion? Is it distant dream or it is blessing?

Essential spirit of the life is to strive for thousand dreams even if they are not realized after thousand efforts. Loneliness is best, long lasting companion. When everyone comes into this world, gets married with loneliness. Should we get divorced with loneliness for any reason? If we have achieved all glory, wealth, fame then the seeking of loneliness turns justifiable. Right now we having to relinquish except our ‘crown of silence’ i.e. Solitude.

Even if we relinquish solitude, it remains. I hope, this understanding of grief is colorful. This effort of writing is not invitation to mourning meeting. Rather this small childish literary voyage is a celebration of solitude. Great discourses are dominated by determination aroused out of deep thought process.

Why every festival has the communion, gathering? There may be hardly any festival which
celebrates solitude. I know one of such festival--Literature where solitude is given the due respect. Recognition of individual appetite to know, to share is very pleasant. Even mass media are also subsystems of vast river of literature.

We need not be alone all of our life. The moment we catch the finger of any writer you enter into the cave of silence to know what the words are saying. Our prejudices react more than our understanding of the subject. Always our concentration is vulnerable to number of external factors.

Concentration should be independent of any influence. We always live under some or other kind     of influence. Why so? Because it is very difficult to be alone without any predominating viewpoint. Man is the victim of his situation. So it is hard to maintain balance between inherited dogma of influence and independent style of rational thinking.

We might remember the short poem of Soloman Grandy which we have recited in schooldays.
                      ‘ Soloman Grandy’
                        Born on a Monday
                        Christened on Tuesday
                        Married on Wednesday
                        Took a ill on Thursday
                        Worth on Friday
                        Died on Saturday
                        Buried on Sunday

What a wonderful sketch of lonely life across the length of one week! What and how we want to be remembered? A person who spend all of his/her life investigating charm of innocent loneliness or a person who helped to build bridges of trust to establish a web of affection through  the matrix of relationships? Which one will be more honorable for us to do? Which one will be more pleasurable for us; to engage in the consistent process of knowing the complexity of interdependence or to embed the singularity in our personality? Life is ready to give us whatever we deserve. Life is not ready to award anything which we really do not wish to be permanent. So let us embrace life in its full solitary engagement.

Engagement of silence with loneliness! How we can define peace of mind by loving the invincible will power generated by introspective self reflection. Is desire of peaceful mind a selfish one? Everyone will answer differently. At the same time the term loneliness is turning out to be virtue, value, reality. But, is it powerful reagent of happy life? We have to search for the answer for this question. Zero is alone, having null value. But when it joins the company of other digits it empowers and enriches others so as to live with certain dignity, pride and some recognition.

 The area of loneliness is very abstract. I am really lacking to explore it because I have not practiced it. I only know that, “Great deeds are accomplished neither by infinite patience and perseverance. And this patience and perseverance will certainly be gifted by our lonely dedication to the work, cause and mission.
I could write this because I was alone without any other preoccupation of external thoughts. But inspiration to write was not motivation of being lonely. Let us walk few steps and understand solitude to it`s true spirit and significance. Solitude can transform our lives. Welcome to the kiss of the meditation…!


Thursday, June 24, 2010

They never meet, still they... !

With each passing moment I was realising the meaning of what it is about to crave for death. Sometimes, wounds can be so painful that you love to embrace the death for salvation, so much so that comfort coming from death is just like a curative drug to compensate the wounds inherited since long, how long even my memory is struggling to calculate. May be I am feeling pain since my childhood. Every one celebrates their birthday, I never; because it gives an annual certificate that I am mortal, forever.

I did not know that the end of imagination was starting point for the chocking the way towards my heart, mind and brain. I was strong believer in audacity of hope, enthusiasm of every chirping dawn and shiny battlefield of afternoon. I was also passionate lover of evening carpet of sage orange appealing my conscious to have a meaningful dialogue with self. I was in awe of the peacock wandering back and forth of my room who was beautifully teaching me the essence of how to wait for the rains endlessly without uttering a letter about the scorching summer and draught of ambience where we can feel that miles and miles from here, there is none to rescue our isolation, our stranded flow of emotions and joy hijacked by known enemy, none other than the obsession about greed.

Renunciation of the social life and reconciliation of the personal life was very necessary for the discovery of the self to have an impact on the world around me. I continued to taste every other feast offered by the fortune and fame. I never said no to every invitation coming from aura and appealing aspiration. I kept going in the direction where there was celebration of the virtues which are required to celebrate the true character of the tailor made life. Even this was perfect recipe for the successful times ahead. But my heart was calling my attention towards the other hidden volcano brewing in my mind again and again. 

Shameful exposure of self to the other self is the most unfortunate event of my life. None can forgive me because I have exhausted the possibilities to forgive myself. It is said that, forgiveness is fragrance flower gives when crushed. Do I have that innate power of selflessness to award self the blessing of forgiveness when I am suffering to have a glimpse of love from my self? Shall I ever think about giving birth to massive influx of the disappointment coming due to the only fact being I failed to read myself? I do not hate me either. Hatred is so much powerful reward for someone who actually deserves some kind of caricature where human vices have concentrated. I even do not posses those extreme muscles of vices which will make me to hate myself. This makes life even more agonized than that of even being hated by others. Because when one cannot express any feeling about self, I am sure that person is drying out of spring flow of life. This spring flow is so necessary to feed survival instinct that even person who knows his death is coming, tries to pacify that terror by the songs of a dream, even though knowing well enough that we are not going to complete that song anyhow.

So, what constitutes the dilemma? What is dilemma, am I posing the situation as an unsolvable mystery to engage in the chanting of the philosophy? But see, I laugh at myself realising that the philosophy is actually the great opportunity to create another moral puzzle challenging both the rational and irrational mind of mine; to enmesh myself in the constant process of self-identification in the mist of suffering. So, what is more easy? To be in constant motion of mind scape where I can spend my valuable (?) time to solve crucial (?) problems, or shall I surrender myself to the bed of irresistible and accommodative compassion of grief ; more affectionate than the tenderness of touch of my soul which often falls in the valley of oxymoron wonderland full of surprises driving me to jump, dance and shout with joy. 

Every moment, I die for new life. Every moment, I live for sustained death. Still, my life and my death never meet each other. They fear that the moment they see each others uncommon faces, they will start adoring each other`s supreme natural ability to define life in terms of two opening and enclosing parenthesis. They fear that watching deep in the eyes of each other might force them to understand the gravity of pain both are carrying; pain of life due to it`s mortality and of death due to it`s immortality. They are anxious that a warm handshake may make them realise that without each other, their existence is contestable by the bargainers of the human fate. They are really shy of being with each other, because you never know the convergence of polarising divergence may be a defining moment in the story of 'made for each other'. So, they never meet each other. They do not want to give an opportunity to the narrators of living and buried history the privilege to engrave the unique conference of the two architects of the tunnel called TIME.  

But they meet in the confused traffic jam in my mind where green and red signals of hope and despair oscillate with a lightening speed. They meet in the impulsive thunder-showers of my poems and determined downpour of resigning ultimatums. They meet in the nights when I cry endlessly and during the day when I smile effortlessly. They meet when I see a red rose is surrounded by thorns and when the love blossoms amidst the timeless encroachment of these pragmatic (?) thorns over the delicate petals of the companionship. They meet in every foreground of sacrifice and every background of courageous bravery. 

They never promise to meet each other, still they do meet without any surprising exceptions. And all the times, they are with each other. Sometimes, we fail to trace their camouflaged association so deeply embedded in each other`s existence and sometimes so overtly and subtly they distance each other to defeat the microscopic observer`s experience and the chronicler of the macroscopic reality. Since then, I have left with no option to stop my search for a new life and suspend my passion to embrace the death. Because now I know, I have no and really I do not possess the power to overrule the authority of the empire of inseparable homogenised duality of the royal king of life and royal queen of death. I only aspire to be king of that kingdom one day to start my unending exploration for the queen whom I love more than myself.


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Tulip (19 May 2009)

Shy Tulip, sometimes red angry like shining rose,
How the weather catches up with your changing moods !!
Enlightened Marigold, always moving in quest of wisdom;
How the seasons are following marathons of your dream sketching ?

Oh smiling Jasmine, busy with discovering loneliness in crowd,
How the flaura-fauna are trying to be friend of you;
Attitudinal Jarbera, standing on the shoulders of Giants,
How delicate is the convincing argument, your symphony of thoughts !!!

Fragrant Lavender, just as sprinkles of your words,
How you envelope scathing criticism in sachreenal shell;
Evergreen Lilie, who does not want to be in your company
How infinite memory is of your minute association !!

Persistant devotee, believing in walking the talk
How you effortlesssly stroll in mindscape of human kind
Tasting the creations of every wonder of the world,
How inquisitive are you and how intriguing is your persona !!

Oh my little flower, just like my little Buddha
How your image is like living mornument un my eyes;
Oh my "God of Small Things", Alchemist of my hope,
How your equanimous smile is making me to meditate on it !!


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Father Figure ! (21 June 2010)

A banyan tree, never complains anything,
it knows only a duty, to shower a shadow, 
and number of potential seeds of wisdom
and plenty of branches of ideas for future generations.

A massive sky-blue heart, which never sheds tears,
only the tiny drops of early monsoon grief with fragrance of experienced soil
but later all his life the sustained summer of sense prevails
over deeply rooted personal ambitions sacrificed to bypass child`s dreams 

A marvellous combination of pragmatic and humorous colours of thoughts
commenting ironically without any philosophical baggage
on my mistakes, deeds and achievements worthy of his pondering in sagacious reflection
by inheriting five decades of charm in his observations, questions and affirmations

Oldest wine in oldest bottle, still his mind is so contemporary and fresh
he was a guardian when I was without money and house
he was a teacher when I was away from knowledge and common sense
and he was a mentor when I was ignorant about my potential and huge ability

What changed is my perception towards him, but his remains standstill
that I need to respect every relation, every promise and every word I cherish
that I have to obey the rules of the coming times and keep learning from the forgotten times
that I may be too modern, but not so to go away from our dynamic and diverse culture

Many inventions have arrived; cloning, stem cells and synthetic DNA,
but I am not sure how the fathers are made, may be that is the thing we sons have to discover,
by being in a search of that identity; a symbol of love, compassion and determination,
from every moment of the day and night, that question is still the biggest challenge to work upon !


Sunday, June 20, 2010

Lonely Penguin (2 November 2007)

Far miles from me, at a distant iceberg crest,
There lies a frozen sorrow, waiting for warmth of trust;
Rare urge to call me, submerged in deep soul searching,
Here cries the bleeding heart, impatient to be like 'Penguin' !

Surfing on cold ambience, still the burning cautiousness-flair,
Jumping like a adolscent deer, while churning desire and fear;
Even dream of global voyage, can`t escape condensed sea,
God, do me like it; is sincere-urgent-lovely plea !

No companion to sail oceans, no regret to absence of mate passion,
Rowing away shallow 'channels of affection', not breezing to deep nauticals horizon;
Equanimous thoughts-unique dream merchant, polarising climate-only bedfellow,
I strive to wear it`s character, An Antarctic guide, how easy to swallow!

Tied knot to loneliness, for me- immortalised as picturesque extinct,
Shied like a secret hiding bride, forever settled in stormy hut;
Come on my creeping 'Naughty' , waiting at bay to embrace your cruelty,
Do not go my 'smiling brand', I am dying at every DNA helix strand!

Sacred monk in white and black, holy dip in light and dark,
Any kingdom will crown this courage, perseverance being diamond to praise;
All ages aquatic-needs evolution, crystalline grief-demands dissolution,
All my life-prays devotion, my erosion-for your peaceful migration !


Open University (12 June 2009)

(Image of Oxford )

It is the amazing universe
 with gazing spirit in eyes,
Coming up with rising hopes...
With wise guiding light;
Different voices--divided borders
But one is the world and United --Colours !

Here is coming ..the blooming future,
with the blushing smile and glowing flower;
Here is the fight for justice,
Companions facing fire of tragic;
Stagnated life and shattered dreams,
But here is unified umbrella and ...unique temple !

Farther is the goal and still longer is milestone,
Without cracking success and enlightening heaven;
Come on ! Knock down giant blunders,
and stand up with the solid shoulders...
May be broken hearts and frozen emotions,
But we are the school of United Nations !

National flags flaring high in sky,
Language of pride flashing around the air;
While the fragrance of culture playing the symphony,
With all the people, every other century;
Welcome the dynamism and message of Dove,
And why not make efforts for forever love ?

Patient progress along rapid downfall,
Building team plus breaking past tales;
When departing force is symbol of relation,
and energy of synergy being power of cooperation;
Here is the sign of character and path of diversity,
Saluting the hallmark vision of Open University !
